In the heat of the moment, we wring out every special second from the heart of the hunting season. The October-November issue of Covey Rise keeps the momentum of the season’s tidal wave of hits, misses, smiles, and handshakes moving forward through the fall.
The historic prairies of South Dakota provide the perfect backdrop for a hunt on horseback with Tinker Kennels in his issue. We feature the history of the landscape while showing how hunting 5 feet higher than on foot gives us all a better view of birds and dogs and life.
Some may know Carl Allen as a successful businessman and owner of Heritage Bag Company, but we tell the rest of the story: how his philanthropy has positively affected the future of not only Bobwhite quail in Texas, but the people of the Bahamas after the devastation of Hurricane Dorian.
Unless you are a professional, getting your first bird dog can be a daunting task. Covey Rise Brand Specialist Russ Grimes takes us through his experience as a new dog owner and trainer—a story that helps new hunters relate to the challenges they may face.
In less than two decades, Caesar Guerini is on the rise. The gunmaker has proven to create fine Italian products that are expanding the market for shooters and helping to recruit new hunters through their Syren line of shotguns for women.
The issue features much more: Chef Will Morton connects bird diets with our flavor palate with his mountain grouse recipes. Le Chameau’s story is one of upland soul from the souls of their boots. Don’t miss the great stories to celebrate with bourbon, wine, and cigars, and classics from Ben O. William, Frank the dog, and Doc Blythe, too.