Readers have an exclusive invitation to join us as we continue on this amazing adventure together into the pages of Covey Rise.
Covey Rise is a bi-monthly upland lifestyle magazine which captures the essence of the upland sporting lifestyle and is carefully crafted with extraordinary words and images. We make extra investments in the reading experience because we know that our readers enjoy the vibrant colors and narrative nuances that embody the rich traditions of our shared lifestyle. We also share their disdain for a noisy reading experience, and we remain committed to no more than 25% advertising in each issue. We offer only full-page advertisements that will never interrupt the reading of an article or story. We salute and reward our subscriber’s expectation of quiet evenings of upland reading just as fervently as we share their passionate commitment to todays and tomorrows afield.
Each of our six issues celebrates those days afield, but that’s just the beginning of our journey. We also spend time enjoying some extraordinary destinations, from coast to coast and around the world, where sporting enthusiasts can access and encounter the ultimate in wingshooting and hospitality. We taste the favorite dishes of award-winning chefs and shortorder cooks in search of culinary
treasures, we toast the hunt and the meal with great wines from every corner of the globe, and we treat ourselves to bourbon and cigars as the conversation drifts from the dining room to the drawing room and the fire pit beyond. That conversation is never complete without an update on conservation practices and perspectives, a look at trends and traditions in sporting art, and maybe even a peak into the lives and minds of names and faces you recognize from politics and popular culture. With each issue we revel in the notion that the upland spirit is more than just flush and bang.
It’s about time spent afield with happy dogs in joyful pursuit. It’s about memories made and curated among friends old and new, walking in conversation, or seated around tables filled with a day’s harvest of fresh perspective.
That’s the way Covey Rise defines the upland lifestyle, and our mission is to deliver our readers into the heart of that experience with each and every issue.

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6 issues sent every other month