The February-March 2018 Preview


Cover by Terry Allen
Right before your New Year resolutions wear off and just in time for a little R&R after the holiday meals, the newest issue of Covey Rise is here and as always, is packed with the ultimate in the upland lifestyle. For starters, Reid Bryant and Bryan Grossenbacher head to Patagonia in search of Valley quail. In part one of this two-part series, the pair heads south to explore a relatively new and incredibly prolific Valley quail resource in the Andean steppe of central Patagonia. In addition to birds, however, they find legends old and new, and a wide-open landscape that holds its secrets well.
We set out for Texas to learn about this year’s T. Boone Pickens Lifetime Sportsman Award winner Rick Snipes and his 6,000-acre ranch in the Rolling Plains ecoregion, and familiarize ourselves with the little-known world of pointing Labs. We also take a trip to Gunshow in Atlanta to visit Kevin Gillespie, an avid hunter and restaurateur, who is putting a new spin on traditional dining experiences.
In this issue, we pause on our best gun series in order to keep pace with the tempo of the gun being made and
make sure this process is documented as accurately as possible. We are in the process of acquiring the final elements needed to celebrate the individual contributions of these expert gunmakers. Tune in to the April–May ’18 issue where we head back to London and learn about the pure aesthetics of the gun—engraving—and the treatments of the engraved hardware.
However, we do head across the pond in this issue, but this time to Italy to learn more about Perazzi, an Italian gunmaker who competition shooters have known for decades, but game shooters are now learning more about.
Along the way we hear from our devoted contributors on when and when not to ice, how age affects wine, and why forest policy reforms are critical to upland bird conservation.
So put down the fork and step away from the table. Pour yourself a glass of the finest bourbon and make sure your pup is tended to, because it’s Covey Rise time. We hope you enjoy.
Pour yourself a glass of the finest bourbon and make sure your pup is tended to, because it’s Covey Rise time. We hope you enjoy.