A look inside the latest issue of Covey Rise: Volume 4, Number 3

Finding a sense of place: part of the appeal of being in the outdoors is finding the places that feel right, that feel natural, that feel like home. In our April-May issue, we introduce you to people and places you’ll want to know about and visit, starting with a ranch-brokerage firm in the West that can help you find your new homeplace in one of nine Western states in which they’re licensed to do real-estate business—Live Water Properties, with headquarters in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Live Water understands what sportsmen and women want in a ranch property.
Finding a fit in the outdoors can happen even when you hunt without a gun, as author Paul Fersen shares in “Hunting as a Picker-up.” Fersen works as a picker-up or dog handler on driven-bird shoots in the US, and delights in watching the action and helping to harvest the downed birds.
Sometimes a lodge does everything just right and you know you’ve found a special place. Near the Georgia coast, Dorchester Shooting Preserve is one such place, with well-managed habitat that’s home to fast-flying quail.
In South America, La Estancia de Cafayate is a luxury retreat that offers majestic views of the Andes
Mountains, excellent locally-produced wines, horseback riding, and challenging golf—all proximate to some of the world’s best wingshooting in the country’s Salta region.
International travelers will find a hunter’s home in the midst of the City of Light, namely Paris’s Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature or Museum of Hunting and Nature. Read in this issue about the museum’s history and its collections.
A showcase of every adventure is a well-prepared meal. Chef Scott Leysath is known as The Sporting Chef because he brings game to the table that he’s personally gathered and he cooks it up deliberately. Learn some of his culinary specialties.
Single-barrel bourbons, cigars, canine products, a new “Conservation” department, and more in April-May 2016.
Pick up the issue and read more! Find us on newsstands beginning April 5th, pre-order a single copy, or subscribe today to be on the April-May mailing list to receive this as your first issue (subscribe by April 4, 2016).
Finding a sense of place: part of the appeal of being in the outdoors is finding the places that feel right, that feel natural, that feel like home.
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