From the Publisher: Making Memories Afield

I have been blessed with many joyful days in the field, but some of my favorite hunts happen with my children and other family members. On this particular hunt, there was no record-book harvest, no grand slam achieved, nor even a scotch double taken. This was time in the field with both my son and my dad. I have hunted many days with my father over the years, and I’ve heard all his stories including those about how good a shot he was, and—to be honest—I have witnessed it many times in a dove field or duck blind. The man is indeed a great shot.
My son David and I have spent many days in the field, too. But this time was extra special, because I watched my dad and my son walk behind bird dogs chasing birds together. David got to hear all those stories from my dad and me while making his own memories. Funny thing, David is a natural and a great shot, too. I guess he will start racking up his own stories like Daddy.
Three generations in the outdoors, walking behind bird dogs and sharing life together. My friends, that is what this is all about: the pride and joy I feel watching, listening, and sharing time afield with my son and dad. As a both a father and a son, these are memories that will stay with me forever. I hope when David finds himself in the shoes I am in now, he appreciates that trip as much as I do. Now if I could only freeze time!
I can’t encourage or beg you enough to take someone hunting. Introduce your son, daughter, dad, brother, or neighbor to the outdoors. The joy and excitement that you both will experience will be minuscule compared to the life you will change forever.
Maybe that’s why I love this sport more than the rest: It’s not complete without your dogs and the ones you love, sharing the experience together.

Publisher/Editor-in-Chief John Thames with his son, David and father, Billy.
The joy and excitement that you both will experience will be minuscule compared to the life you will change forever.