Filoplume: These are the soft, light, gray feathers found beneath and attached to the base of other feathers. They are ideal to use to replicate the gills of large aquatic insect nymphs, such as Hexegina mayfly nymphs.
Rump: Soft, darker feathers, similar to chicken marabou, which can be used for tying smaller, dark-colored streamer patterns.
Breast: The small breast feathers from woodcock make excellent split wings on dry flies and spent wings on larger patterns
Breast: Chukar breast feathers are interesting because they have two distinct bands—one white, one dark gray or black. This adds a touch of contrast to fly patterns, which can be particularly appealing to fish. I like to include them in streamer and traditional wet fly patterns.
Rump: An attractive gray-brown color, these feathers are best used as one would use hen chicken feathers—as hackle on small, natural-colored streamers.