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Bismarck, N.D.  – July 9, 2018 –Focusing on the growing demographic of women hunters and conservationists, Pheasants Forever is proud to announce the formation of the Capital City Lady Birds Chapter of Pheasants Forever in Bismarck, North Dakota. The all-female committee is devoted to promoting the traditions of upland hunting amongst women in Burleigh County, while supporting the organization’s core mission of wildlife habitat conservation.

“This chapter’s formation has brought together an impressive community of outdoorswomen who are excited for this opportunity and committed to the success of the Capital City Lady Birds chapter,” said Renee McKeehen, North Dakota regional representative for Pheasants Forever. “I am confident these women will further our mission by recruiting more females for outdoor recreation opportunities, as well as contribute to habitat conservation in the region surrounding Bismarck.”

Among the top pheasant harvest states nationwide, North Dakota continues to thrive as an upland destination in the United States. This statistic is due, in part, to the large network of local chapters and volunteers of Pheasants Forever who have worked tirelessly to improve habitat conditions in their local regions. In fact, North Dakota’s 28 Pheasants Forever chapters account for nearly 4,000 members statewide. Those chapters have spent $5.38 million to complete 7,594 habitat projects, improving more than 78,200 acres for pheasants and other wildlife. The Capital City Lady Birds committee hopes to increase membership and impact statewide by adding more female conservationists to its ranks.

In conjunction with Cayla Bendel, Pheasants Forever’s Women in Conservation Coordinator for North Dakota and education chair for the organization’s newest chapter, the Capital City Lady Birds hope to add more female hunters to the upland scene. “With women owning larger percentages of private land in some Midwestern states than ever before, females are becoming further engaged with land management decisions, conservation programs, and wanting to know where their food comes from,” stated Bendel. “We’ve witnessed this change in North Dakota, and the formation of the new women’s chapter of Pheasants Forever is a great first step for attracting a new demographic to our mission.”

Capital City Lady Birds Chapter of Pheasants Forever

  • The Capital City Lady Birds Chapter of Pheasants Forever has elected Lisa Engelstad of Bismarck as president, Alli Morris of Bismarck as treasurer, Charlotte Johnson of Bismarck as banquet chair, Cayla Bendel of Bismarck as outreach chair, Maddie Saylor of Bismarck as vice president, Tina Fricke of Menoken as secretary, Catherine Bohner of Mandan as event chair, Pam Ihmels of Bismarck as education/youth chair, and Breanna Miller of  Bismarck as event chair.
  • The chapter will hold its next meeting on Thursday, July 12 at 6:00 p.m. at Lucky’s 13 Pub (915 S 3rd St – Bismarck, ND 58504). Female hunters and conservationists interested in joining the chapter as volunteers are encouraged to attend.
  • For more information about the chapter or to become involved, please contact chapter president, Lisa Engelstad, at (701) 400-2510 or

For more information about Pheasants Forever in North Dakota, to join a chapter or inquire about starting a chapter, contact Renee McKeehen at (701) 220-8769 /

Female Conservationists on the Rise with Start of Women’s Pheasants Forever Chapter in N.D. This article is published in the issue.
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Female Conservationists on the Rise with Start of Women’s Pheasants Forever Chapter in N.D.

Bismarck, N.D.  – July 9, 2018 –Focusing on the growing demographic of women hunters and conservationists, Pheasants Forever is proud to announce the formation of the Capital City Lady Birds Chapter of Pheasants Forever in Bismarck, North Dakota. The all-female committee is devoted to promoting the traditions of upland hunting amongst women in Burleigh County, while supporting the organization’s core mission of wildlife habitat conservation.

“This chapter’s formation has brought together an impressive community of outdoorswomen who are excited for this opportunity and committed to the success of the Capital City Lady Birds chapter,” said Renee McKeehen, North Dakota regional representative for Pheasants Forever. “I am confident these women will further our mission by recruiting more females for outdoor recreation opportunities, as well as contribute to habitat conservation in the region surrounding Bismarck.”

Among the top pheasant harvest states nationwide, North Dakota continues to thrive as an upland destination in the United States. This statistic is due, in part, to the large network of local chapters and volunteers of Pheasants Forever who have worked tirelessly to improve habitat conditions in their local regions. In fact, North Dakota’s 28 Pheasants Forever chapters account for nearly 4,000 members statewide. Those chapters have spent $5.38 million to complete 7,594 habitat projects, improving more than 78,200 acres for pheasants and other wildlife. The Capital City Lady Birds committee hopes to increase membership and impact statewide by adding more female conservationists to its ranks.

In conjunction with Cayla Bendel, Pheasants Forever’s Women in Conservation Coordinator for North Dakota and education chair for the organization’s newest chapter, the Capital City Lady Birds hope to add more female hunters to the upland scene. “With women owning larger percentages of private land in some Midwestern states than ever before, females are becoming further engaged with land management decisions, conservation programs, and wanting to know where their food comes from,” stated Bendel. “We’ve witnessed this change in North Dakota, and the formation of the new women’s chapter of Pheasants Forever is a great first step for attracting a new demographic to our mission.”

Capital City Lady Birds Chapter of Pheasants Forever

  • The Capital City Lady Birds Chapter of Pheasants Forever has elected Lisa Engelstad of Bismarck as president, Alli Morris of Bismarck as treasurer, Charlotte Johnson of Bismarck as banquet chair, Cayla Bendel of Bismarck as outreach chair, Maddie Saylor of Bismarck as vice president, Tina Fricke of Menoken as secretary, Catherine Bohner of Mandan as event chair, Pam Ihmels of Bismarck as education/youth chair, and Breanna Miller of  Bismarck as event chair.
  • The chapter will hold its next meeting on Thursday, July 12 at 6:00 p.m. at Lucky’s 13 Pub (915 S 3rd St – Bismarck, ND 58504). Female hunters and conservationists interested in joining the chapter as volunteers are encouraged to attend.
  • For more information about the chapter or to become involved, please contact chapter president, Lisa Engelstad, at (701) 400-2510 or

For more information about Pheasants Forever in North Dakota, to join a chapter or inquire about starting a chapter, contact Renee McKeehen at (701) 220-8769 /

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