Comfort in the Canyon

Tucked into Lawyer’s Canyon along the Clearwater River in the northcentral stem of Idaho is a haven of outdoor diversity—Flying B Ranch. “The ranch consists of a little over 5,000 acres with quite a combination and range of habitat,” says Flying B Ranch General Manager Joseph Peterson. He adds, with modest understatement, “We have a variety of outdoor opportunities here.”
You’ll be offered big-game hunting, fishing for Idaho’s renowned Clearwater River A-run and B-run steelhead, and even a chance to book a helicopter ride to survey the landscape. But Peterson mentions the food plots, riparian habitat, creek bottoms, benches, basalt rimrock canyons, and canyons that border the farm grounds—all as habitat for gamebirds including pheasants, Hungarian partridge, valley quail, chukar, and ruffed grouse. “In the terrain change, there’s a lot of habitat change. We have a challenge for every level of physical ability and shooting ability,” Peterson says.
The valley quail are in the brush, Huns are around food plots and canyon rims, pheasants are about everywhere, chukar are in the rugged and rocky county, and ruffed grouse are found primarily on the southern side of the canyon.
“I’d heard about Flying B Ranch for what seems like the last 15 or 20 years. Acquaintances would come back raving about it, but I just wasn’t convinced. My friend Gil Morgan and I hopped on a plane and fl_ew to Bozeman, Montana, and then drove the windy highway to meet Covey Rise colleagues to see what this place was all about. The next four days gave me an extreme attitude adjustment about Flying B Ranch,” says photographer Terry Allen.
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