Clays for a Cure

“People enjoy participating in sports they love, and golf lines up with sporting clays. But who needs another golf tournament? Fifteen years ago we found something different with sporting clays, and people responded. Our event has become the biggest of its kind,” said former NFL quarterback and television announcer Boomer Esiason of the Boomer Esiason Annual Sporting Clays Pro-Am, scheduled for June 10 and 11 this year at Elk Creek Hunt Club in Owenton, Kentucky. “You can only have so many golf tournaments and black-tie events as fund-raisers. Our staff at the Boomer Esiason Foundation (BEF) are always thinking of new and interesting ways of raising funds. The fun aspect is the number of people who have never fired a shotgun before, who come to our event. They’re out there with the master shooters, the pros, who are teaching safety and respect, teaching the proper techniques. I find really interesting the number of women who love doing this,” Esiason says and includes Natalie Wainwright in that group—she’s the program director of the Boomer Esiason Foundation and has helped to arrange sporting clays tournaments in her home state of West Virginia; that shoot has typically happened in the fall. Esiason continues: “At the end of the day, if you can’t have fun raising the money, why are you doing it?”
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