Filed In: Inside The Issue, The Sporting Life
Finding a sense of place: part of the appeal of being in the outdoors is finding the places that feel right, that feel natural, that feel like home. In our April-May issue, we introduce you to people ...
Filed In: On the Hunt, The Sporting Life
Writer and photographer Roger Catchpole captured this image of two male Hungarian partridge on a fence post near Livingston, Montana, this past fall while hunting with Covey Rise columnist Ben O. Will...
Filed In: Chef + Plate, Quail, Recipe, Toasting the Hunt
Gamebird breasts can be prepared by gently pounding them with a meat mallet to make cutlets. With a cutlet, you make an even piece of meat. Anytime you cook a game bird, think about the shape of what ...
Filed In: Culture, Destination, Dog, Experience
The Tennessee Walking Horse is the traditional field trial mount. Its comfortable, four-beat gaits, ground-eating stride, willing temperament, and all-day endurance make it an effective and enjoyable ...
Filed In: Dogs, hunting, On the Hunt, Training
Judy Balog, who owns and runs Silvershot Weimaraners in Michigan with Jerry Gertiser, has owned Weimaraners for more than 20 years....
Filed In: Guns, Handmade, History, On the Hunt, Tradition
Bertuzzi shotguns have the unique design characteristic of ali di gabbiano, Italian for “the wings of a gull” as the sideplates spring outward like wings, revealing the lockwork inside. ...
Filed In: Culture, Handmade, History, Tweed
The story of tweed dates back about 200 years to a Scottish Border weaver, a London cloth merchant, and a fortuitous mistake. ...
Filed In: Destination, Dog, Experience, Lifestyle, On the Hunt, Wingshooting
Castle Valley Outdoors is a three-hour drive from Salt Lake City. The property covers 14,000 acres with 11 miles of Muddy Creek river bottom. Wild coveys of gambel’s quail live in the sloped terrain...
Filed In: Bettws Hall, Destination, Experience, Lifestyle, On the Hunt
As always, a team of eight guns was shooting four, 400-bird days, with each day consisting of three to four drives on some of the most renowned high pheasant and partridge shooting estates in the UK. ...
Filed In: Bourbon, Culture, History, Toasting the Hunt
Hundreds of years ago, long before iron rails and interstate highways, navigating the American frontier involved following the buffalo. ...