Although life doesn’t always go according to plan, it usually works out in the end. It may not come easy or the way that was expected, but it’s never too late to pursue what you want, even if it means pivoting in a completely new direction or putting yourself out there to try something new.
In this issue of Covey Rise, we hear the beginning of one man’s journey into the upland world, as well as the story of a pair of brothers who have always been members of the upland world and put a great deal of importance on maintaining it. Scott Cummings details his quest to find the perfect dog food, and Chef Nick Strawhecker searches for ways to continue combining family tradition, food, and upland hunting in his restaurant, Dante. Finally, we learn about all the creative endeavors that led artist Sue Key to her hidden quail, and before going abroad to experience a driven shoot in the French countryside.
No matter how old or young you are, there is always the chance to experience something new, and there is always a reason to continue pursuing your dreams, no matter the trials and tribulations we may endure along the way.
First, But not Last: Golf, sporting clays, and a desire for many more hunts
Orvis Across Generations: New hands on a great old tiller
Fueling Champions: One hunter’s quest to find the perfect dog food
Salt Cod and Hunting: Food, family, and land—ingredients for lasting traditions
Artist Sue Key’s Hidden Quail: A fundamental feature hidden in plain sight
The Art of Shooting Artlessly: A driven shoot at Château de Villette