Jim Kelly and his team earn recognition for servicing classic double guns at Darlington Gun Works....
Filed In: Guns, Handmade, History, On the Hunt, Tradition
Bertuzzi shotguns have the unique design characteristic of ali di gabbiano, Italian for “the wings of a gull” as the sideplates spring outward like wings, revealing the lockwork inside. ...
Filed In: Gun, Handmade, History, Shooting, The Sporting Life
The Scottish firm, and the man who gives his name to it, unite technical skill and artistic flair in the making of best guns....
Filed In: Craft, Culture, Gun, History, The Sporting Life
The Connecticut River Valley is the historic “gun valley” of America’s early industrial development in the heart of Yankee country, home to some of the great names in American shotguns.......
Filed In: Culture, Gun, Handmade, History, The Sporting Life
AYA is the most famous name in Spanish guns. Like Holland & Holland in England, it is the quality standard against which others are measured. The problem for any writer......