Filed In: Bird, Experience, Hunt, People, The Sporting Life
In my early days, during bird season I’d hunt an old spur-line railroad while walking to school. Bobwhite quail were the only native upland gamebirds to hunt in northern Illinois,......
Filed In: Bird, Experience, History, Pheasants, The Sporting Life
It all began in 1881, when ring-necked pheasants were introduced in North America. Over the next two decades they were liberated in 40 U.S. states. Mention pheasants to a bird......
Filed In: Culture, Dog, Experience, Hunt, People, The Sporting Life
The Plantation Wildlife Arts Festival has become one of the largest and most recognized wildlife-arts exhibitions in the country. But it is not just the show itself that brings people......
Filed In: Bird, On the Hunt, Quail, The Sporting Life
I’ve always been reluctant to take a partner along when I hunt the singing windmill arroyo, whose loveliness and loneliness seem to demand solitude. Still, sometimes I relent and feel......
Filed In: Chef + Plate, Food, Recipe, Restaurant, Toasting the Hunt
Chef Kipp Bourdeau Pine Creek Sporting Club Okeechobee, FL Ingredients for Venison 1 pound venison tenderloin, trimmed, cut into medallions 1 tablespoon A1 steak sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2......
Filed In: Dog, Kennel, People, The Sporting Life
Epiphanies are confounding. You never know you’re going to have one, right up until the moment you do. They can’t be summoned, predicted, or carefully constructed from the sturdy building......
Filed In: Hunt, Memories, On the Hunt, Quail, The Sporting Life
Cle-cle-cle. The sound was unmistakable—mountain quail. I hadn’t guessed I could find them this close to home. We saw their three-toed tracks in new-fallen snow. When we bounced a covey......
Filed In: Chef + Plate, Food, Recipe, Restaurant, Toasting the Hunt
Chef Kipp Bourdeau Pine Creek Sporting Club Okeechobee, FL Ingredients for the Elk Chop 4 elk chops, trimmed well 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 juniper berries, crushed 4 garlic cloves, crushed......
Filed In: Grouse, On the Hunt, The Sporting Life, Woodcock
On the Opening Day of the grouse and woodcock seasons, I am like a coiled spring. I wait for months on end until Father Time tick-tocks his way slowly through......