Will and Lauren Cowen search for authentic adventure at the ends of the Earth with HookFire...
Filed In: Destination, The Sporting Life, Travel
The bird hunting in Argentina is legendary. Skies are filled with birds and loaders work feverishly to the steady pulse of gunshots ringing through the air—it’s a chaotic scene. But this is the im...
Filed In: Bird, Culture, Destination, Dog, Experience, Horses, On the Hunt, Shooting
In search of wild birds and the Western frontier at Oregon’s Ruggs Ranch. ...What is guaranteed is a grand adventure, and an experience as close as it gets to capturing the spirit of the Western ...
Filed In: Culture, Destination, Dog, Experience
About an hour east of Tallahassee, Florida, just a short hop from Thomasville, Georgia, in the heart of the Southern quail-hunting culture, Dixie Plantation has figured prominently in pointing-dog his...
Filed In: Culture, Destination, Dog, Experience
The Tennessee Walking Horse is the traditional field trial mount. Its comfortable, four-beat gaits, ground-eating stride, willing temperament, and all-day endurance make it an effective and enjoyable ...
Filed In: Destination, Dog, Experience, Lifestyle, On the Hunt, Wingshooting
Castle Valley Outdoors is a three-hour drive from Salt Lake City. The property covers 14,000 acres with 11 miles of Muddy Creek river bottom. Wild coveys of gambel’s quail live in the sloped terrain...