translocation of wild quail is a hot topic nationally, and increasingly so in Texas. To learn more about translocation, this month’s episode of Dr. Dale on Quail podcast features Becky Ruzicka, a do...
Nothing can ruin a quail hunt like a snakebit bird dog, and warm weather during early-season hunts increases the odds and risks of encountering rattlesnakes while afield. To learn how to handle such e...
With dove season underway, quail hunters are looking ahead on the calendar and wondering: what kind of quail season can we look forward to come November? This month’s episode of Dr. Dale on Quail po...
Filed In: Conservation, news
Final Hurdle Cleared to Open Public Lands Sunday Hunting in North Carolina...
If not for Dale Rollins, we would be without quail in west Texas. He channels his inspiring personality and passion for life into protecting the future of bobwhite quail. While there are many ways to ...
For the first time in history, more than 50 percent of the world’s population lives in a city. By 2050, that number is expected to climb to 70 percent. With a rapidly urbanizing population comes a n...
And that is just what each and every one of us needs to do: not sit around and wait for someone to feed our passion for the outdoors. We all need to attack the crucial conservation issues, and sometim...