AUTHOR coveyrise
Vocations feed our families, but avocations feed our souls. Jay Lowry of Ryglen Gundogs works to find a balance. ...
For the first time in history, more than 50 percent of the world’s population lives in a city. By 2050, that number is expected to climb to 70 percent. With a rapidly urbanizing population comes a n...
Combining craft and high-tech, a German dynasty crafts superb guns for competition and game....
The handmade boots of W. C. Russell Moccasin are worn anywhere there is a demand for uncommonly comfortable, durable, handsome footwear—but they’re most fitting on sportsmen....
Filed In: Conservation, news
On February 5, the Iowa Senate Ways and Means Committee, in association with Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus Member Governor Kim Reynolds, introduced Senate Study Bill (SSB) 3116, commonly referred to ...
Filed In: Conservation, news
Over the past few months we’ve kept our focus on several moving bills that are important to the Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever mission, including Pittman Robertson Modernization (PR Mod) and re...
Filed In: Conservation, news
Creating permanently protected public lands is incredibly important for a wide array of wildlife species, especially in a time when quality habitat is being continuously threatened. Additionally, publ...
Filed In: Chef + Plate
Recipe from the article "Fare Game," featured in the December-January 2021 issue. ...