Filed In: Conservation, news
Sportsmen now look to Secretary Zinke to restore the public’s voice in the BLM land-use planning process that affects habitat, access, and rural economies Today, U.S. Senators voted to nullify th...
Filed In: Conservation, news
St. Paul, Minn. – March 9, 2017 –Quail Forever and the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) have established a partner commitment to quail conservation efforts by signing a Memorandum ...
Filed In: Conservation, news
Washington, D.C. – March 2, 2017 – Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever, represented by Dave Nomsen, the conservation organization’s vice president of governmental affairs, joined partner organiz...
Filed In: Conservation, news
This morning, in a strongly bipartisan 68-31 vote, U.S. Congressman Ryan Zinke was officially given the top job at the Department of the Interior, where he’ll be responsible for the management of pu...
Today, when most grade schoolers are exchanging candy hearts and Marvel superhero valentines, 213 groups are sending a message to President Trump and leaders in Congress about the heartbeat of conserv...
Federal policies that impact private and agricultural lands are a critical part of our country’s conservation equation: More than 70 percent of America’s total land is in private hands, and more t...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The hunting and fishing community recognizes the potential for collaboration and compromise in President-elect Trump’s pick for Secretary of Agriculture, announced today. An avi...
When lawmakers leave town, this session of Congress is over, and all pending legislation goes back to square one in January. The last few grains of sand of the 114th Congress will soon fall through t...
KNOXVILLE, TN, Dec. 2, 2016 - The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) moved a step closer to two of its major goals for landscape restoration of wild bobwhites - reconnecting cattle and q...
By updating a decades-old rule, the agency is injecting more opportunities for the public to weigh in on land-use planning—and for sportsmen to make the case for habitat and recreation The Bureau o...