Archive: June, 2021 | Covey Rise Magazine
Filed In: Conservation, news
The role corn plays for gamebirds and economies across the habitat landscape....
Filed In: Conservation, news
Sportsmen’s conservation policy issues from public lands access for recreation to forest management to sportsmen’s recruitment and retention – and much more. Bringing you need-to-know informatio...
Working Lands for Wildlife is the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service’s premier approach for conserving America’s working lands to benefit people, wildlife, and rural communities. This in...
In the court of popular opinion red imported fire ants (RIFA) are a major player in the decline of quail across the southeastern half of Texas. But the scientific community typically hasn’t endorsed...
Filed In: Chef + Plate
Recipe by Stacy Lyn Harris. Recipe featured in the Dec-Jan 20 issue....
Filed In: Conservation, news
Levees built right on the riverbank were once the golden standard for preventing dangerous flooding, but setting structures back from the river could help communities faced with increasingly costly st...
In retrospect, I wish now that I had said something profound in that moment, but nothing appropriate came to mind. So instead, I took my leave and went inside to start supper. Little did I know at the...