Archive: June, 2019 | Covey Rise Magazine
Thirty years ago, I remember simply enjoying time afield with my dad, and it was a pleasant feeling to know that now my boy wanted to keep hunting with me too....
Puppies need to see, touch, hear, and smell everything, with their safety paramount, of course. Indoor games become outdoor games. Beanie Babies lead to bumpers and eventually birds. As our puppies ma...
Filed In: Conservation, news
On June 5, the Department of the Interior (DOI) announced the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service submitted a proposed rule to open or expand more than 1.4 million acres of National Wildlife Refuge System ...
Filed In: Conservation, news
Hunting, fishing and policy every day – a dream come true for this California girl. Hunting, fishing, and other conservation have been a part of my life from a very young age. When I received the We...
Filed In: Conservation, news
USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will accept applications beginning June 3, 2019, for certain practices under the continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) signup and will offer extensions for e...
Filed In: Conservation, news
In a ceremony at Ottowa National Wildlife Refuge in Ohio this week, Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt announced a proposal to expand hunting and fishing access on some U.S. Fish and Wildlife S...
Filed In: Conservation, news
In the last two centuries, woody plants have been expanding into the world’s vast grasslands and shrub-steppe rangelands. In the U.S., the expansion of conifers into the Great Plains and sagebrush-s...
Filed In: Conservation, news
Restoring and sustaining the traditions of quail hunting in southern states is on the mind of upland hunters amidst a burst of Quail Forever chapter starts (11) stretching from the plains of Texas to ...
Many times during my years as a cigar store owner, I was asked by customers if a particular cigar was good. Invariably, this request came from customers inquiring about an unfamiliar cigar they were i...
Filed In: Chef + Plate
Recipe by Chef Tim Kaulfers, featured in the June-July 19 issue....